+44 151 513 5108 info@tkdigitalstudio.co.uk

Privacy Policy

According to GDPR regulations, TK Digital Studio Ltd will only collect the personal data that you give us or that we require to deliver our professional services. The following policy applies to the information we collect when you browse the website. This privacy policy describes what data we collect, how it is collected, and outlines the steps required for you to access or update the personal data processed by TK Digital Studio Ltd.

How and why we collect information
We collect some metadata that describes the way you browse the website for marketing and advertising processes, so that we can optimise our webpage to reach the right customers requiring photograph services. This is limited to nonidentifying information such as your page interactions, the page response times, how long you spent on certain pages, and similar interactions. We also collect information from the response form at the bottom of our webpage. You are not obliged to fill this out but it is the easiest way for you to contact us. Therefore, as in the form, we collect your name, your email address, your message, and any files you send as attachments. These are stored on our private servers and are not shared with any third parties. We also collect data directly from you for example billing information or return postage address.

Cookie policy
We use cookies on this website. Cookies act to log internet use and visitor information in order to optimise the user experience by tracking the pages you visit. These cookies can be deleted off your web browser through various means, including clearing cookies from your internet browser.

How can I withdraw my data?
The data we collect is securely transmitted and stored, using encryption where necessary. If you would like to amend or delete any information that you have submitted through our form, please get in touch with us through (info@tkdigitalstudio.co.uk). Our privacy policy may be subject to change, so you can either contact us through the aforementioned email to discuss it or check the website for new changes.

Our privacy policy as described here refers to the practices that we abide by on our website and may not fully include the policy we use when photographing your products and delivering our professional services. These specific details for each order will be discussed and followed on a client-by-client, order-by-order basis, depending on your own personal wishes. For example, when we send back the product you wanted photographed, we would require an address.