+44 151 513 5108 info@tkdigitalstudio.co.uk

10 Reason To Pick Our Photographer For Your Amazon Products

Choosing a professional photographer for your Amazon products isn’t always an easy decision. One thing is for sure: hiring an expert will significantly increase the chance of higher sales.

High quality images enhance the appeal of your brand, helping to ensure customers choose your products over the competition.

Here are just 10 reasons to use TK Digital Studio for your Amazon product listings in 2023:

  1. Your images will be created using the best equipment. We capture pictures of your products at a fully equipped studio in Birkenhead and use the finest equipment to ensure unbeatable results. That means high resolution images that 
  2. If needed, we can create a full Amazon listing, ensuring that nothing is overlooked. Your listing can include infographics, EBC content design (Amazon Enhanced Brand Content), copywriting for your product information and description, product videos, and Amazon video ads. We’ll ensure that all elements of your listing are optimised to attract maximum interest from buyers. 
  3. TK Digital Studio offers the latest and best techniques for marketing your products. Our services include creating product packshots, 360 videos, composite product photography, social media photography, and much more.
  4. Our Amazon product photography will help you achieve increased sales, clicks, and conversions. We’ve had many loyal clients who have reported experiencing much better sales. TK Digital Studio appreciates that Amazon is one of the most competitive platforms on which to sell, but there are many techniques to make the most of the opportunities it provides. At the end of the day, it’s one of the best places to sell products if you know how.
  5. We will save you time and hassle creating listings yourself.  Business owners have so much to focus on, from marketing and administration to product development. 
  6. TK Digital Studio will use expert methods to enhance your product’s appeal. This includes producing multiple photos of your product from different angles to demonstrate its use and increase its appeal to potential buyers. We know how to photograph your product specific to your unique niche and needs. 
  7. We’re a budget-friendly studio and frequently work with companies on tighter budgets. In such instances,  we can use stock photos and photoshop their product into a stock photo; this is one of our lowest price offers.
  8. When it comes to copywriting, we cover it all- and we always do extensive research for each listing. Our team will check competitors, and prepare all the texts for your Amazon listing description section. We can also create Extended Brand Content and the texts for your Amazon listing photos and script for the video.
  9. Our customer service is reliable and we ensure you’re always kept in the loop. We collaborate with our clients to help them achieve their goals.
  10. We also offer packaging design. This can help to establish your brand and create a loyal base of buyers. 

Discover more reasons to choose TK Digital Studio for your Amazon photography or contact our team today.